PlanUp Project

with the support of the EU LIFE program

Eleven European NGOs, a number of local authorities and researchers have launched a project called PlanUp to help EU governments fight climate change.


In November 2016, the European Commission presented the Energy Union Governance Regulation on Clean Energy, which aims to integrate and simplify the current overlapping planning, reporting and monitoring requirements within the framework of EU energy and climate policy legislation. Member States shall draw up National Energy and Climate Plans (NEPTs) setting out how they intend to contribute to the Energy Union targets, in particular the EU's 2030 targets for renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

In the NECs, Member States set national targets, contributions, and policies and measures for all five dimensions of the Energy Union: decarbonisation, energy efficiency, energy security, the internal energy market, and research, innovation and competitiveness.

As part of the PlanUp project, the Clean Air Action Group is developing a package of proposals on decarbonisation, energy efficiency and renewable energy to improve the situation, including the presentation of good practices in the fields of transport, agriculture and buildings in Hungary. At the same time, it monitors the preparation of the Hungarian NEKT and assists it with its comments.

The PlanUp project's international website also provides up-to-date information and citizen comments on the National Energy and Climate Plans of the other countries participating in the project.

The plans, which are due to be drawn up by the EU Member States by the end of 2019, provide for measures for the period 2021-2030 that will significantly reduce emissions of pollutants (especially carbon dioxide). This must be achieved, among other things, by making agriculture more environmentally friendly, developing public transport and modernizing buildings.

The participants of the project worked out the opinion of the first draft of the completed National Energy and Climate Plans.

The Hungarian government submitted the first draft of the NEKT to the European Commission at the end of February 2019. However, in the opinion of civilians, the material needs to be significantly improved in order to be suitable for achieving the set goals.

Final (2020) National Energy and Climate Plan of Hungary submitted to the European Commission: