Don't burn it!
(When you use rubbish to heat, You make things hot for others too.
Illegal domestic incineration is a serious environmental and health burden for our whole city.
Contact your local authority for information on heating subsidies! )
Did you know that it is forbidden to burn household or other waste at home, in a stove, fireplace, or yard?
Why is it illegal to burn waste?
- For one, it's very unhealthy. It produces a lot of toxic substances that can cause cancer, heart attacks, strokes, genetic problems in foetuses, impotence, as well as other diseases.
- Waste incineration is also an illegal activity and is punishable by fines of up to HUF 300.000 or in some cases, it can even be a criminal offence.
- The chimney gets damaged by the acids in the flue gases.
- A single household or a small business burning waste can pollute the air within a kilometre.
What can you do if your neighbour is burning rubbish?
- Tell them that they are poisoning the neighbourhood's air! Inform them that they are putting themselves, their family, neighbours, and pets as well as the environment at risk!
- Show them this leaflet, bring their attention to the information leaflet available on the Clean Air Action Group's website (!
- If they won't listen to you and you don't want to breathe the toxic, stinking air, you should ask for help from the authorities:
- You can file a public interest complaint with the relevant district (borough) office. Make sure you file a written complaint, a sample of which you can find here on our website. You can help the work of the authority by suggesting means of evidence (witnesses, expert examination, photographs, video recordings, unannounced site visits, use of police records).
- If the situation is very serious, you can also inform the police. They should record their report and their findings in writing and forward the case to the district office. They can also open an investigation for a breach of the waste management order.
- The Clean Air Action Group can also provide advice and useful, professional tips on official procedures. E-mail: Phone: (+36 20) 411 8456
What can you do if there are several places burning rubbish in your area?
- Join forces with others - neighbours, friends, acquaintances, local NGOs! Together you can take more effective action. The case of Göd is a good example.
- Write to the press, talk to your local councillor or MP to inform them about the problem, and suggest solutions. State and municipal authorities will only take action if they are approached with the problem. You may not get immediate results, but you should not give up.
- Get your own air quality sensor, share the readings on the map display and inform your neighbours about your experiences.
What is the Clean Air Action Group doing to stop illegal burning?
- We run an advisory office and inform residents about the harmful effects of incineration and possible actions.
- We also use the press and social media (Facebook, etc.) to raise awareness among the public and decision-makers about the dangers of incineration.
- We raise the issue with decision-makers to ensure that more effective legislation and measures are taken to prevent illegal burning.
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