Tighten and implement sanctions on Russian oil and gas – this is what a joint letter by 65 NGOs is calling for from governments attending a conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine starting today in Switzerland.
The interests of certain economic groups override the interests of society even in the European Parliament, analysis proves
New in-depth data research from five leading climate and environment organisations reveals that only a minority of the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) during the 2019-2024 mandate acted to protect Europe’s climate, nature and air quality. BirdLife Europe, Climate Action Network Europe, European Environmental Bureau, Transport & Environment, and WWF European Policy Office have analysed European Parliament voting records of the...More
The season of deadly air pollution has returned to Hungary, warns environmental NGO
With the start of the heating season, there has been an extraordinary rise in the number of complaints received by the Clean Air Action Group from desperate residents who fear that they and their children could be at risk of getting a fatal disease from the burning of waste by their neighbours. Since the dangerous phenomenon spares no one, the environmental NGO is calling on the government to take immediate measures in a letter to Gergely...More
Over 100 NGOs Protest against Defense of Sovereignty Law
STATEMENT OF THE CIVILIZÁCIÓ COALITION The Hungarian Parliament is about to adopt the so-called Defense of Sovereignty Law. This is in fact the government's attempt to deter its own citizens from democratic participation and to discourage the discussion of public affairs. Over 100 Hungarian civil society organisations are protesting against adopting the law that only protects the arbitrary interests of those in power, and call on the...More
International student debate on climate change
"Climate change can only be tackled with global cooperation, and Europe must lead the way and set a good example". This was one of the keynotes at the third and final event of the debate series organised by the Clean Air Action Group. At the discussion entitled "We are the future, we want to take part", students and teachers from the British International School Budapest (BISB) from many different countries talked about the most pressing...More
Report on Attitudes to Climate Change
‘Hungarian society is worried about the effects of climate change, the majority is aware of the necessary individual and social measures, yet action is delayed’ – perhaps this is how the most important lesson of the national report prepared by the Clean Air Action Group could be summarized.More
EU fiscal reform must also serve the climate
The fiscal room for manoeuvre of Member States could be fundamentally shaped by new EU rules, the main principles of which were adopted by the Council of Economic and Finance Ministers (ECOFIN) on 14 March. A broad coalition of civil society organisations is calling for the new rules to require climate proofing and to impose strict anti-corruption conditions.More