NGO Proposals for the Partnership Agreement on EU Funds and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
- HUNGARY: Proposals for the Hungarian Partnership Agreement on the European structural and investment funds 2021-2027 and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan for contributing to a climate-neutral EU (by Clean Air Action Group and CEEWeb for Biodiversity)
- HUNGARY: Proposals for General Enabling Conditions for the Hungarian Partnership Agreement on the European structural and investment funds 2021-2027 and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan for contributing to a climate-neutral EU
- HUNGARY: Comments on the Hungarian Recovery and Resilience Plan from an environmental perspective
- HUNGARY: Comments on the draft Hungarian Partnership Agreement on EU Funds from an environmental perspective
- HUNGARY: Opinion on Hungary’s draft Partnership Agreement concerning compliance with the horizontal enabling conditions
- MAGYARORSZÁG: Javaslatok az Európai Strukturális és Befektetési Alapokról szóló, 2021-2027 közötti időszakra vonatkozó Magyar Partnerségi Megállapodás és a Nemzeti Helyreállítási és Alkalmazkodási Terv környezetvédelmi előfeltételeire a klímasemleges EU-ért
- MAGYARORSZÁG: Javaslatok az Európai Strukturális és Befektetési Alapokról szóló, 2021-2027 közötti időszakra vonatkozó Magyar Partnerségi Megállapodás és a Nemzeti Helyreállítási és Alkalmazkodási Terv általános előfeltételeire a klímasemleges EU-ért
- BULGARIA: Synopsis of the Position on the Draft Version of the Partnership Agreement on the European structural and investment funds 2021-2027 (by Economic Policy Institute in collaboration with Green Policy Institute)
- BULGARIA: Synopsis of the Position on the Draft Version of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria (by Economic Policy Institute in collaboration with Green Policy Institute)
- BULGARIA: Final assessment of third version of NRRP of Bulgaria
- БЪЛГАРИЯ: Становище по проекта на Споразумение за партньорство на Република България за 2021-2027 г. (Институт за икономическа политика, Институт за зелена политика)
- БЪЛГАРИЯ: Становище по проект на План за възстановяване и устойчивост на Република България (Институт за икономическа политика, Институт за зелена политика)
- БЪЛГАРИЯ: Становище по версията на Националния план за възстановяване и устойчивост на Република България от 20 май 2021 г.
- CZECH REPUBLIC: Assessment of draft Partnership Agreement setup in the areas of environment and civil society partnership in the Czech Republic
- CZECH REPUBLIC: Comments to the National Recovery Plan
- CZECH REPUBLIC: Call for an addition in the Czech National Recovery Plan
- CZECH REPUBLIC: Sustainability principles implementation in the Partnership agreement implementing European Structural and Investment Funds in the Czech Republic
- CZECH REPUBLIC: Assessment of the Czech National Recovery Plan
- ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA: Připomínky podnikatelské iniciativy Změna k lepšímu k materiálu „Východiska Národního plánuobnovy v kontextu Hospodářské strategie“
- ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA: Výzva k doplnění Národního plánu obnovy
- LATVIA: On the Latvian recovery and resilience draft plan
- LATVIA: Proposals for the improvement of Latvia’s Recovery and Resilience plan (RRP) by the association “Zaļā brīvība” (Green Liberty), World Widlife Fund for Nature, Latvian Fund for Nature and Latvijas Ornitoloģijas biedrība (Latvian Ornithological Society)
- LATVIA: Assessment of Latvia’s Recovery and Resilience Plan
- LATVIJA: Par Atveseļošanās un noturības mehānisma plāna projektu
- LATVIJA: Priekšlikumi Ungārijas Partnerības nolīgumam par Eiropas strukturālajiem un investīciju fondiem 2021. – 2027 un valsts atveseļošanas un noturības plānu par ieguldījumu klimata neitrālā ES
- POLAND: Protection of Water Resources and Biodiversity in the National Recovery Plan: Proposed Programmes and Reform Directions
- POLAND: Energy Efficiency and Citizen-Driven Energy in the National Recovery Plan: Proposed Reform Paths
- POLAND: Polish Green Network’s Comments on the National Recovery Plan
- POLSKA: Ochrona wód i bioróżnorodności w Krajowym Planie Odbudowy – Propozycje programów i kierunków reform
- POLSKA: Efektywność energetyczna i energetyka obywatelska w Krajowym Planie Odbudowy – Propozycje kierunków reform
- ROMANIA: Proposals for the Romanian Partnership Agreement on the European structural and investment funds 2021-2027 and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan for contributing to a climate-neutral EU
- ROMANIA: Proposals and comments to NRRP, published on 7 April 2021, by the Ministry of Investments and European Funds
- ROMANIA: Main changes needed in the Romanian Recovery and Resilience Plans before their approval
- ROMÂNIA: Propuneri și comentarii la PNRR, publicat la data de 7 aprilie 2021, de către Ministerul Investițiilor și Fondurilor Europene
- SLOVAKIA: Proposals of CEPTA for the Partnership Agreement of the Slovak Republic for the years 2021-2027
- SLOVAKIA: Civil comment on the proposal of the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Slovak Republic
- SLOVAKIA: Final assessment of the Slovak Recovery and Resilience Plan
- SLOVENSKO: Návrhy o. z. CEPTA pre Partnerskú dohodu Slovenskej republiky na roky 2021-2027
- SLOVENSKO: Hromadná pripomienka platforiem Hlas občianskych organizácií a Zelený reštart podaná prostredníctvom VIA IURIS k návrhu Zákona o mechanizme na podporu obnovy a odolnosti a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov k návrhu zákona o mechanizme na podporu obnovy a odolnosti a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov
- SLOVENSKO: Hromadná pripomienka k návrhu Plán obnovy a odolnosti Slovenskej republiky
- SLOVENIA: CSO project and investment proposals for the Slovenian national recovery and resilience plan (Umanotera)
- SLOVENIA: Final assessment of the Slovenian National Recovery and Resilience Plan